
My name is Jack Roizental I’m a Designer specializing in graphic, 3D, and type design from Caracas, Venezuela.

In my work I constantly try to balance intuition and intention.   



Currently ︎︎︎

Magic Leap
Senior Designer

Creative Director

Previously ︎︎︎

Senior Designer
Paula Scher’s Team

Area of Practice
Freelance Design

Studio Institute
Freelance Motion

Moving Image & Content
Freelance Design

River App
Freelance Motion

Marine Lane
Graphic Designer


Delos was my thesis project at SVA’s MFA Design. I created a publisher that views new ideas through a lens of curiosity.
The first book I’ll publish covers the topic of Psychedelics. Through four interviews, I contrasted different perspectives on a similar goal: reintegrating psychedelics into society. 

Identity,  Editorial, 3D Design, Animation